We unite leaders from all continents, cultures, and occupations to exchange ideas and take action in communities around the world.

Explore our diverse history, learn about our structure and leadership, and explore our priorities and financials to discover how we connect lives and drive positive change.

Who we are

Rotary is a global network of 1.4 million neighbors, friends, leaders, and problem-solvers who see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change – across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves.

Solving real problems takes real commitment and vision. For more than 110 years, Rotary’s people of action have used their passion, energy, and intelligence to take action on sustainable projects. From literacy and peace to water and health, we are always working to better our world, and we stay committed to the end.

What we do

Rotary members believe that we have a shared responsibility to take action on our world’s most persistent issues. Our 46,000+ clubs work together to:

  • Promote peace

  • Fight disease

  • Provide clean

  • water, sanitation, and hygiene

  • Save mothers and children

  • Support education

  • Grow local economies

  • Protect the environment

Our mission

We provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through our fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders.

Vision statement

Together, we see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change — across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves.

We work differently

We see differently: Our multidisciplinary perspective helps us see challenges in unique ways.
We think differently: We apply leadership and expertise to social issues — and find unique solutions.
We act responsibly: Our passion and perseverance create lasting change.
We make a difference at home and around the world: Our members can be found in your community and across the globe.

Diversity, equity, and inclusion

As a global network that strives to build a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change, Rotary values diversity and celebrates the contributions of people of all backgrounds, regardless of their age, ethnicity, race, color, abilities, religion, socioeconomic status, culture, and gender identity.


Java Rotary Club  terus berjuang untuk kemanusiaan dan telah mengalami charter 3 kali dalam era yang berbeda.

26 Agustus 1927
Djogjakarta, Java Rotary Club, pada zaman perang kemerdekaan RC ini bubar.⠀

14 September 1957⠀
Jaman Presiden Soekarno anti Amerika RC di Indonesia bubar.

27 Juni 1980⠀
RC Yogyakarta yang sekarang ini, selalu hidup dan konsisten menghidupkan semangat Rotary.

Rotary di Indonesia mulai aktif kembali dengan berdirinya Rotary Club of Jakarta pada tahun 1972.

The First Rotary Club's Bell in Java Rotary Club, Indonesia


Berdirinya Rotary di Indonesia tak bisa dilepaskan dari Jim Davidson, yang memiliki gelar the Marco Polo of Rotary.

Jim membangun Rotary Club di: Australia, New Zealand, Turkey, Greece, Egypt, dan Palestine, Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore dan Indonesia ( saat itu masih disebut Hindia Belanda ).

Jim menjadikan Rotary sebuah organisasi global.

Di Indonesia, Rotary berdiri pertama kali tangal 26 Agustus 1927 di Yogyakarta: RC Yogyakarta. Anggotanya kebanyakan orang-orang Belanda dan Eropa lainnya, salah satunya J.H Ritman, seorang jurnalis ternama zaman itu ( belum terkonfirmasi ).

Tumbuh hingga mencapai 26 Rotary Club dengan 219 Rotarian tahun 1941, Rotary di Indonesia dibekukan aktifitasnya oleh pemerintah Jepang, sampai tahun 1945 karena Perang Dunia II.

Pasca-kemerdekaan RI, tahun 1946, Rotary berdiri kembali dan hingga tahun 1961, berhasil mencapai 17 Rotary Club dengan 533 Rotarian. Rotary Club pertama masa ini adalah Rotary Club Bandung dengan anggota 42 Rotarian.

Tetapi kegiatan Rotary kembali terhenti dari 1961-1970. Lewat Keppres 264, tanggal 23 February 1961, President Soekarno membubarkan Rotary.

Sejak itulah, Indonesia vakum dari Rotary sampai tahun 1970, Rotary hidup kembali di Jakarta, meskipun keppres 264 belum dicabut. Rotary Club Jakarta menjadi club pertama didirikan tanggal 7 Desember.

Via Surat No. 45 Tambahan Berita Negara Republik Indonesia, tanggal 5 Juni 1970, dan Surat Menteri Kehakiman tanggal 20 Mei tahun 1970 No. J.A. 5/70/9, Rotary dinyatakan sah berada Indonesia, namun namanya di Indonesiakan menjadi “Perkumpulan Rotary Indonesia”.

Selanjutnya Rotary berkembang pesat di Indonesia. Menjadi anggota Rotary International, Rotary di Indonesia masuk District 340 Rotary International, dengan payung hukum Perkumpulan Rotary Indonesia.

1 Juli 1991, karena perkembangan Rotary di dunia yang begitu pesat, Rotary di Indonesia yang sebelumnya masuk District 340, di reorganisir menjadi Rotary International District 3400.

Baru pada tahun 2000 Presiden Abdurrahman Wahid menerbitkan Keppres 69 yang mencabut Keppres 1962. Artinya, sejak saat itu, Rotary Club legal dan sah di mata hukum Indonesia!

Sejak saat itu, Rotary Distrik 3400 telah berkembang pesat hingga mencapai 87 Rotary Club dengan 1.850 Rotarian.

Maka tanggal 1 Juli 2012, Rotary di Indonesia oleh Rotary International dikembangkan menjadi 2 district: 3410 dan 3420, membentang dari Medan di barat hingga Kupang di timur, dengan jumlah club lebih dari 120 dan anggota lebih dari 2,500 Rotarian.

Rotary District 3410 sendiri saat ini, tahun 2023-2024 di bawah DG Ditte Sukardi, memiliki 54 Rotary Club dengan anggota sekitar 1,005 Rotarian.

Diharapkan, di masa kepemimpinan DG Ditte kita bisa mengembangkan jumlah Rotarian di RID 3410 hingga mencapai jumlah 1,250 Rotarian.

Mampukah kita?

Kenapa tidak?

Bila setiap Rotary Club mampu dan mau merekrut sedikitnya 5 Rotarian baru, impian tadi, 1,250 Rotarian adalah keniscayaan!

Sekarang, marilah kita telisik nama-nama tokoh-tokoh utama Rotary di Indonesia sampai sebelum dipecah menjadi 2 district: 3410 dan 3420, yaitu:

1. Jim Davidson, Founder
2. Tan Tek Peng, DG pertama bangsa Indonesia, father of PDG Willy Wiguna, Grandfather of PDG Roziana Wiguna, Direktur Kian Gwan trading company milik Oei Tiong Ham concern.
3. R.M.M.R. Machribie Reksohadiprodjo, DG1983-1984
4. Soedarpo Sastrosatomo, politician, pendiri Samudera Indonesia dan Bank Niaga, DG1984-1985
5. Abidin Kartasoebrata, DG1985-1986
6. Don E Nasution, DG1986-1987
7. Ben J Titiheruw, DG1987-1988
8. Willy W Wiguna, DG1988-1989
9. Soeroso Padmodihardjo, DG1989-1990
10. But Muchtar, DG pertama dari Yogyakarta, 1990-1991
11. Jaya Soeprana, DG pertama dari Semarang, 1991-1992
12. TR Tjoet Rachman, DG 1992-1993
13. Soeryo Wibisono, DG pertama dari Bali, 1993-1994
14. Sukar Samsudi, DG pertama dari Bandung, 1994-1995
15. Januar Tirtaamijaya, DG pertama dari Semarang, 1995-1996
16. Aziz Djajadiningrat, DG1996-1997
17. Natalia Soebagjo, DG wanita pertama Indonesia 1997-1998
18. Mustain Sjadzali, DG1998-1999
19. Mark KY Wong, DG Indonesia pertama dari Singapura, pertama mengawali abad 20-21, 1999-2000
20. Wibowo Kusumadi, DG pertama dari Purwokerto, 2000-2001
21. Tjetje Sjamsu, DG2001-2022
22. Osman bin Aman, DG ke dua dari Singapura, 2002-2003
23. John D Karamoy, DG2003-2004
24. Ritje Rihatinah, DG kedua wanita Indonesia, DG pertama dari Bali, 2004-2005
25. Rodolfo C Balmater, DG pertama dari Philipina, 2005-2006
26. Sudjatmiko, DG2006-2007
27. Agustine Goh, DG ke tiga dari Singapura, 2007-2008
28. Keliek J Soegiarto, DG2008-2009
29. Thomas Aquinas, DG pertama dari Surabaya 2009-2010
30. Aloysius Purwa, DG2010-2011
31. Ridlo Eisy, DG2011-2012
32. V Dwijatmoko, DG pertama dari Batam 2012-2013
33. Eva Kurniaty, DG2013-2014
34. Herman Gani, DG pertama dari Lampung/Sumatra 2014-2015
35. Hidayat G Tjokrodjojo, DG2015-2016
36. Sadana Mulyono, DG2016-2017
37. Sumantoro Radjiman, DG2017-2018
38. Jusuf Djemaat, DG2018-2019
39. Raju Dansingani, DG2019-2020
40. Roziana Wiguna, DG pemecah rekor 3 generasi PDG: Tan Tek Peng – Willy W Wiguna – Roziana Wiguna 2020-2021
41. Budi Soehardi, DG2021-2022
42. Rionardi Charles Wong, DG2022-2023
43. Ditte Sukardi, DG2023-2024
44. Daniel Iman Surjadi, DG2024-2025
45. Sanny Suharli, DG2025-2026
46. … who is the next DG?

1. Ditunggu DG dari Medan, DG dari Palembang, DG dari Bekasi, DG dari Cirebon, DG dari Cilacap, DG dari Kebumen dll … untuk meneruskan sejarah dan tradisi kepemimpinan Rotary di RID3410.
2. Melihat pasang surut Rotary di Indonesia masa kini, akankah Rotary di Indonesia bisa berkembang menjadi 3 atau 4 district dengan anggota lebih dari 5,000 Rotarian?

Semua perlu diperjuangkan!


Ditte A. Sukardi
District Governor 2023-2024
Rotary Club of Jakarta Cinere

Personal info:
Place & Birth of Date
Jakarta, January 27th 1957
Marital Status
Married with 3 children and 5 grandchildren
Ade Sukardi
Reading, Cooking, Pilates

About me:
I believe that we need to enjoy life to the max, and of course family always comes first. I’m blessed and grateful for the family that I have, children, siblings or extended. Being Indonesian, we are culturally raised that family is not only your children or siblings but widely extended to everyone that is in your bloodline.

I have three beautiful Children and rich by five granddaughters. Let me share a quote that is resonate in my heart “You can put miles between you and your family but you carry them with you; you live in a world and a world lives in you.” (Frederick Buechner). I am proud to say that my children are now living the lives that they want, my eldest daughter and her family lives in St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada; my son and his family lives in Denpasar, Bali and my youngest daughter lives in Jakarta. They are God greatest gift to me.
Friends are my second God greatest gift, I cherished all my friends from my Elementary School, my Conocoan friends, of course my Rotarian Friends. Never in my entire life I envision myself living without having friends.

Serve in Rotary:
I am passionate on things that help and uplift others. This has been my personal motivation in life since I started my family. Thus, my purpose to join Rotary 7 years ago, so I can make a bigger impact to help others in my community and young generation in general. However, in Rotary I was also uplifted in my personal development. I was given the opportunities to broaden my leadership capabilities thru taking the lead role on many Clubs’ event, became Club’s President in 2018, part of District Officers for District Conference fundraising team, as Assistant Governor, facilitator for District Training Team, member of the District Strategic Planning Committee and later became the Vice Chair.

I’m humbled to say that Rotary has let me help others in a way that I can never imagine. Being active in my Club, Rotary Club Jakarta Cinere, we were able to obtain partnership with Rotary Club in Japan for our Cleanwater project in Pulau Seribu. Before that, I was involved in the 2nd project of the Club’s 1000 Teachers’ Training Program, focusing on Science, Mathematics and Character Building. Ever since I have joined Rotary there were many other projects within my club and also collaborate with other Rotary Clubs in D3410. All of these activities in Rotary for sure allow me to say proudly that I’m one of the People of Action of Rotary. Not to mention the number of friends I have made in Indonesia and across the globe through Rotary fellowships.

Professional Career:
I started my professional career in an American Based Multi-national Oil & Gas company, Conoco Indonesia Inc. Ltd. from 1977 as HR Compensation & Benefit Analyst until 2000 with my last management position as Continuous Improvement and Change Management Facilitator. In April 2000 I joined PT Apexindo Pratama Duta Tbk, fully-owned company by Medco Energi, as Vice President of Human Resources until 2012. My professional career in Medco continued when I became the Director of PT M Learning Center, and consecutively held the position of Vice President of Human Resources & Services at PT Medco Intidinamika wherein 2016 I had been assigned as Director of PT Medco Intidinamika and President Commissioner of PT M Learning Centre. Currently I am the Commissioner of PT Bali Sri Organik (BSO), fully-owned company of MedcoGroup; and also act as member of the Board of Governors (Pengawas) for Yayasan Pendidikan Avicenna Prestasi.

We declare that we can lead Rotary International District 3410 actively bringing about changes that inspire hope through action. Sheraton Bandung Hotel & Towers, Dago Bandung 1 Juli 2023.



Daniel Iman Surjadi: A devoted family man, I am Daniel Iman Surjadi, proud husband to a wonderful wife and father to a talented daughter, Paulista. With a shared commitment to service and community development, we believe in making a positive impact on the world.

Professional Career:

With a career spanning several decades, Daniel Iman Surjadi has established a remarkable presence in the tourism and advertising industry. Currently serving as the Owner and President Director of PT Trimitra Jualan Wisata since 2006, Daniel Iman Surjadi has demonstrated a keen entrepreneurial spirit.

From 1993 to 2018, Daniel Iman Surjadi held key roles as Commissioner and Shareholder in Crown Line Group and PT. Cahaya Lintas Cemerlang, an international moving and well-regarded advertising company, is particularly recognized among the Japanese community in Indonesia.

In the early 2000s, Daniel Iman Surjadi contributed significantly to the tourism sector, serving as the Director of JALPAK Co. Ltd Representative Office in Bali. Before this, Daniel Iman Surjadi held leadership positions in PT Taurina Travel Jaya, a subsidiary of Japan Airlines, showcasing extensive experience in the industry.

The journey commenced in 1980, when Daniel Iman Surjadi began as a Tour Conductor, leading tours across Asia, Russia, China, Europe, the USA, Australia, New Zealand, the Pacific, and the Middle East. Notably, Daniel Iman Surjadi also worked as an English-speaking Tour Guide on the Golden Odyssey Cruise Ship, handled by Pacto Ltd, Jakarta, from 1980 to 1982.

Throughout the years, Daniel Iman Surjadi has shared expertise as a lecturer, teaching Tourism Geography and tour planning at Akademi Pariwisata Trisakti from 1983-1984. Additionally, Daniel Iman Surjadi has engaged in freelance tour conducting, covering Jawa-Bali, various Asian countries, Japan, and the USA, contributing to the vibrant landscape of the travel industry.

The culmination of Daniel Iman Surjadi’s career reflects a rich tapestry of experiences, highlighting dedication, leadership, and a profound impact on the tourism and advertising sectors.

Serve in Rotary:

Rotary leader DG Daniel Iman Surjadi, ID 6205932, brings a wealth of experience to his role. With a distinguished Rotary career spanning over a decade, he has served in various capacities, including District Governor for RY 24-25, District Conference Chair for RY 22-23, and District Secretary for consecutive terms.

Daniel’s commitment to Rotary is evident through his leadership in the Jakarta Metropolitan Club, where he served as President in 2020-21 and Treasurer in 2019-20. His Rotary Foundation recognition includes multiple Paul Harris Fellow awards, with the latest being PHF+6 in 2024. Additionally, he has consistently been a Sustaining Member and actively contributed to TRF Giving. Also a Member of the Polio Plus Society

Noteworthy achievements extend to Daniel’s sponsorship of members. His dedication is reflected in the EREY (Every Rotarian Every Year) and EREY Banner Eligible status for several years.

As the primary host for Global Grant No. 2123015 during RY 20-21, DG Daniel Iman Surjadi has left an indelible mark on Rotary International, embodying the organization’s ideals and fostering positive change within the community.

Paulista’s Qualifications: Paulista, our daughter, is a distinguished graduate with an MSc in Social Development Practice from the prestigious University College London. Her academic journey focused on the theories and practices of people-centered, social development processes in Global South cities. With a critical analysis of sustainable food systems, health justice, citizenship, and participatory planning, Paulista is well-equipped to contribute meaningfully to Rotary’s impactful initiatives.

Community Engagement: Our family actively engages with our local church community, bringing a wealth of organizational experience and a solid reputation for community service. We believe in the power of collective action and strive to create positive change in the lives of those we serve.

Rotary International Involvement: As I embark on my role as District Governor for Rotary International, I am honored to have the support of my family, particularly Paulista, who is eager to lend her expertise and contribute to the Rotary mission. With her educational background and passion for social development, Paulista is ready to assist in the impactful projects and initiatives that define Rotary’s commitment to service above self.

The Magic of Rotary – Simply Irresistible Changes: In line with the theme “The Magic of Rotary,” our family is committed to creating simply irresistible changes in our community. We believe that by infusing the spirit of Rotary into every aspect of our lives, we can achieve the goal that Rotary is everywhere. Let us together bring the magic of Rotary to our communities, making lasting and irresistible changes for the betterment of all.

Conclusion: Join us on this enchanted journey of service and change. Together, as a family and with the Rotary community, let’s continue making a difference in the world and creating lasting positive transformations for those in need. Rotary is not just a part of our lives; it is the magic that transforms communities and lives.



Sanny Suharli
District Governor 2025-2026
Rotary Club of Jakarta Thamrin

Rotary Resume

Original join date
01 Dec 1996 (Jakarta Thamrin , )
Current club join date
01 Dec 1996 (Jakarta Thamrin , )
Years of service
26 years 8 months

District 3410
District Governor (DG) (2025-2026)
District Governor-elect (DGE) (2024-2025)
District Governor-nominee (DGN) (2023-2024)
District Annual Fund Subcommittee Chair (2022-2023)
Assistant Governor (2012-2013)

Jakarta Thamrin, (Rotary Club)
Club Membership Chair (2022-2023)
Club President (1997-1998, 2009-2010, 2021-2022)
Club Secretary (2008-2009)
Member (1996 – Present)

EREY Eligible
EREY (2021-22)
EREY (2013-14)
EREY (2012-13)

EREY Banner Eligible
EREY Banner Eligible (2021-22)

Paul Harris Fellow
PHF (2021-22)
PHF+1 (2021-22)

Paul Harris Society Eligible
Paul Harris Society Eligible (2021-22)

Sustaining Member Eligible
Sustaining Member (2021-22)

TRF Giving
TRF Giving (2021-22)

Jakarta Thamrin, Indonesia (Rotary Club)
Andreas Lesmana (2022)
Candra Candra (2022)
Jandi Mukianto (2022)
Benedie Agustri Hari (2022)
Shelvy Aprilia (2022)
Ben Yura Rimba (2022)
Leo Setiawan (2022)
Soehandojo Lesmana (2022)
Ew Hendry Gunawan (2022)
Vivie Tjia (2022)
Gary Rachman Makmun Jusuf (2022)
Gunawan Adnan (2022)
Hoyi Siantoresmi (2022)
Alex Kartasa (2022)
Yusuf Marwoto (2022)
Husein Murad (2022)
Liliani Tjandra (2022)
Nadya Anette (2022)
Sudibyo Sudibyo (2022)
Amelia Rahmawati (2022)
Ibrahim Kholilul Rohman (2022)
Faris Aidid (2022)
Budi Darmadi (2021)
Ventje Suardana (2021)
Felix Pasila (2021)
Bani Maulana Mulia (2021)
Ricky Wakanno (2021)
Mr. Taranggo Dhani Hardjoprakoso (2014)